Selection of Excellent Cigar Tobacco Varieties in Yunnan Province of China
Cigar, Variety, Agronomic Traits, obacco industry, Aroma, LeafAbstract
In order to establish a prominent cigar brand in China, Yunnan Province has emerged as a significant region for cigar cultivation due to its ecological conditions that closely resemble those of Cuba. In tobacco farming, the selection of appropriate varieties is critical; thus, identifying new cigar varieties suitable for promotion within the Yunnan region represents an essential step. This study selected 18 cigar varieties for a shade planting experiment, which included Yunxue 36, Yunxue 6, Yunxue 1, Yunxue 2, Yunxue 38, Yunxue 39, Yunxue 40, Cuba 1, Yunxue 34, DeXue 4, Haiyan 103, CX14, CX26, Haiyan 204, Yunxue 41, Cuba 2, Chuan Xue 2 and Connecticut Broadleaf. We collected data on typical agronomic traits (such as leaf area and thickness as well as chlorophyll content) and tobacco yield from these varieties. The data were analyzed and compared to identify outstanding varieties. The results indicate that among the tested varieties, Yunxue 6 exhibited the largest leaf area; this was followed by Yunxue 41 and Yunxue 1 which displayed relatively thin leaves. Furthermore, Yunxue 40 andYunxue 41 demonstrated the highest chlorophyll content with Cuba 1 and Cuba 2 ranking next in line. Notably, Yunxue 36 achieved the highest yield followed by Cuba 2 and Yunxue 34. These three varieties distinguished themselves prominently among all eighteen tested cigar varieties and are recommended for primary cultivation in the Yunnan region. Future research will be conducted to further support the sustainable development of the cigar-growing industry in Yunnan
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